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Kannada (language)

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I would like to learn Kannada up to a basic level of fluency. I must be able to understand and participate in every day conversation as easily as someone who grew up in the city of Bangalore (after all I did). Being able to watch and appreciate Kannada content is probably a good goal to add to the mix.

Reading & Writing

When I briefly studied Kannada as a third language in school, being able to read and write was an important starting point. I have therefore taken the same starting point here. From a quick google search, I have found a useful website which outlines the basic kannada alphabet. While there are more nuances involved in reading and writing the language, I think this is a good starting point, to supplement my main goal of picking up conversational Kannada.

Vocabulary Basics

Learning language is easiest when what we learn is less theoretical, and more immediately practical and useful. Since I don't have a lot of people in my circles who are speaking Kannada, I have chosen to build up a basic vocabulary through an app as a starting point. The hope is that I will be able to build up a basic vocabulary and sense of grammar. The next step from here would likely be to use this vocabulary in some basic sentences as a part of my day to day.
The app that I happened to find and decided to start off with is called the Learn Kannada SmartApp for android. The app has a 10 day learning course, which covers some words for each day, uses them in some sentences & has a quiz at the end of each day. While I have taken much more than 10 days to cover its content (because I got busy, not because of the scope), I think it's a good and generically useful starting point.
The approach I have taken is to go through 1 day's content whenever I manage to find 15 minutes time and the inclination to do so. I have ended up recapping the words from previous days multiple times, because of the gap. After going through the content a few times, I have started to reorganise the vocabulary that I picked up in my own mental model.
kannada basic vocabulary

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