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As much as I try to organise them, my notes can be a little convoluted and may not be the most fun to navigate through. My YouTube channel, Medium page or my "secret school" curriculum webpage may be easier and more fun ways to find what I have been working on recently.

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Learnings & Notes

This section of the website is a sort of map to all of my documented learnings and notes. On this page I have tried to capture below my current thinking on the purpose behind this project and an index to various parts of the project. This project is however very much a work in progress, and I will keep revisiting this and updating it.


My aim in sharing these learnings & notes is to:

  1. Organise my own notes, ideas and learnings in an accessible and actionable fashion for my own benefit.
  2. Share my learnings and process with anyone who has similar interests and who may be able to leverage the efforts that I have put in.
  3. Hope to receive useful feedback from anyone ranging from topic experts to passers by with a unique perspective.

Scope of Learning

The things which I choose to learn are a function of what I am trying to achieve, and more broadly, what I believe my purpose is. I have therefore taken a crack at penning down what I believe my purpose to be. This too is of course a working hypothesis, and will be refined over time.

Purpose - Sincere pursuit of a life which is enriching for myself and my loved ones.

A lot of what makes life enriching for me is the process of learning, and having fun with it. I have got a little better at learning with time. And I hope to get even better at it going forward. I therefore want to:

  • Relearn things that I already have learnt
  • Continue learning new things across a wide spread of topics
  • Get into the depth of things which I am learning and examine them from different lenses

Topics of Learning

The broad aim is for me to learn things which have a direct impact on my life and also a bunch of things which fascinate me. Most importantly, I will aim to keep my learning process a little open ended and without too strict of a timeline. I intend to jump around between topics which interest me at that specific point in time. I have used Howard Gardner’s theory of 8 intelligences as a starting point to help structure the overarching topics I may want to learn about. Within each topic, I intend to use Bloom’s taxonomy to guide me in terms of the depth that I cover.


Subject Description
Theoretical mathematics and logic, as learnt in school curriculums and beyond
Specific focus on physics, chemistry and biology as learnt in school and college curriculums
World history as a backbone to explore the events of history, and also the workings of geography and civics around the world
Specific focus on the technological side of computer science and utilitarian projects
Business and economics as a lens to view the world
A focused combination of learnings from mathematics, logic and computer science


Subject Description
Everything from understanding languages, to reading acclaimed literature, to the art of story telling
The more fun side of watching and studying movies and shows


Subject Description
Tips, tricks and learnings to remain physically fit
The fun side of understanding and following sports
A systematic approach to learning how to dance and appreciate the art form


Subject Description
A systematic approach to understanding and creating music


Subject Description
All sorts of visual art from painting to fashion


Subject Description
The study of how people think and behave
The why, what and how of education in society


Subject Description
Methods to bring order to, plan and live my best life
The understanding and search of higher purpose and meaning


Subject Description
Exploration, appreciation and study of creating good food

Website Design Idea Credits

The basic template that I have used to design this website has been borrowed from Maxime Vaillancourt's tutorial and from his git repo .
I was introduced to this gem of a starting point by Giridhur Sriraman .
From there on out, I have gone about modifying and adapting the code, slowly making it mine, with the help of another few hundred online tutorials and open source pieces of code.