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In order to develop a functional understanding of the business world, I have split my approach into a few parts, which should make it easier to digest:

1. Learning Fundamentals

  Here I would like to learn the fundamental driving principles which would help set a definitive framework to understand the business world. To this end I have tried to summarise my learnings from my mba at IIM-Ahmedabad into a coherent set of notes. Beyond this, another easy, but important fundamental I believe is being able to create document templates which make all corporate work easy to read, understand and pass on.

2. Landing a Job

  Here I would like to focus on the skills required to land a job, and therefore bring some meaning to learning about business to begin with. To this end, I have tried to present what I have learned about consulting interview preparation as well as about resume building.

3. Analysing Industries

  Once the frameworks have been set in place, I would like to use my learnings to process and deconstruct my practical work experience. To this end, I am constantly trying to put all of my learnings from various jobs into business perspective in my industry guides.

To Dos

Cover B school notes (provide a link to One Note and make a crisp summary of all takeaways after 2 years)

RB learnings (structure and bring out key takeaways as well as detailed learnings)

Set up a structure for how to frequently put together learnings from McKinsey. Should be clearly removed and distinct from client info.

End of Note

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