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Organised History

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For the most part I intend to study the history of humans or the history of our planet. Further astronomical history may be a bit of a stretch at this point. One logical way of breaking this problem down further, is to make this a study of space and time on our planet.
To this end, a study of space, requires first and foremost a solid understanding of the geography of our planet.
Equipped with a good geographical sense, I will then aim to study the historical events of the planet across all of the geographies which I have understood. To this end, I need to map out a clear timeline of events at and across each geography. As a starting point for the same, I will use Will Durant's books on the 'story of civilization' as a backbone to develop an introductory understanding of world history.
book 1 oriental heritage
book 2 life of greece
book 3 caesar and christ
book 4 age of faith
book 5 the renaissance
book 6 the reformation
book 7 the age of reason begins
book 8 the age of louis 14
book 9 the age of voltaire
book 10 rousseau and revolution
book 11 age of napolean
the lessons of history

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