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Parent Note (Up)

Here I aim to understand what makes for good education, what are the different styles of education, and what is therefore needed within India. These questions probably don't even scratch the surface. In a nutshell, what I want to try to answer is "What does India need on the front of education, today, and over the next few decades?".
As a first step, I need to frame a few questions which I aim to answer. These questions would probably be big and chunky. So I would likely want to structure and break them down into smaller questions which are easier to tackle. And after that, the aim is to start addressing each question, to learn as much as I can, to start filling in the gaps. Perhaps a little way down the line, it would be a good idea to run experiments in some way or form, in order to gain some confidence in the answers which I am finding.

Starting Point

To get started, it would probably make sense for me to venture a guess from my own understanding as to how education in India and around the world is structured. In my initial structure I would likely be missing many key levers. But, it will be a starting point which is free of bias from other sources of learning. I hope to after that do some research in order to better educate myself about the state of education. Through this research I hope to keep updating my structure of education, until I arrive at something that is directionally useful.

This is a structure that I believe can be applied for education of the individual, as well as across a larger group of people. My thought process in this structure is that the reaoning behind education is of greatest importance. We need to know what we hope to achieve, before we can make any other education decisions. Next, we need to figure out how to educate the target audience, in order to achieve the objectives set out. The method used, the time (age group) and choice of location/medium, as well as the teachers involved may change as a function of "how" we decide to carry out education. Finally, once we know why and how we must carry out education, we can take a call on what must be taught and to whom.

I have tried to take the previous simpler structure and elaborate on the same using some of the keywords and phrases more popular in an educational setting. The combination of these structures, is my idea of the important levers in education and how they fit together.

Education Reading List

In order to educate myself on the space of education, I have attempted to compile an education reading list.

Education Curriculum

As I read and learn more about education and how best to provide it, I am also working on consolidating a lot of my projects into a single comprehensive project. Here I am trying to create a fun and interesting curriculum for primary and secondary education in India. But to make it sounds a little simpler and more fun, I just call it my secret school.

End of Note

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