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Parent Note (Up)


In the space of film my main goal is to shift from being just a passive customer to someone who is better educated and can appreciate the art more deeply. Therefore I would like to learn more to understand how films are made, as well as spend some time watching shows in much more detail to analyse.

1. [[ film production ]] :

Here I would like to learn about a range of different skills and activities that go into creating movies. To this end, this might feed off of what I learn about how to tell a story in literature. beyond this I would also like to learn more about how to cast, shoot, edit and market movies and any other relevant activities as well.

2. Film Appreciation :

I would like to pick up different movies (across genres) and shows and analyse them to develop a deeper understanding of them. Some series I would like to start with are all of the marvel movies and doctor who.


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