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Here I am trying to learn about games. More specifically I would like to study and analyse:
1. The different elements that make up any game.
2. The different classes of games.
3. How to define strategies for and win games.

To this end, I will go about trying to define the key elements that make up all games. I will use these elements as dimensions to classify games into a few different classes of interest to me. And for a select set of games across these classes, I will try to learn the games and do some research into how strategies are developed for these games.

Elements of a Game

There are a few elements which can be studied across all games. Some of these elements might be meaningless for certain classes of games. However, on the whole, games can be looked at through the lens of the following elements:

1. Player Dynamics

This includes the number of players (or computers). It also includes whether people play on the same team, against each other and how they interact with each other.

2. Turn Systems

Broadly, games are either turn based, or players can play simultaneously. Within this also we can study how long turns last, when turns exchange and how they move from one player to another.

3. Game Actions

Here we are looking to define what actions the players can take during the game. In some games we move pieces, play cards or spend money. In less strategic games, game actions include a sporting move, completing a dare etc.

4. Metrics & Objectives

A big part of what helps us do the math and define a strategy for a game are the metrics involved in them. There are many metrics which help give us a read on who is winning and how to win. There may also be other metrics which give us other insights into the game, or which may also just be distracting.
Importantly, some metrics are also tied to the objective of the game. This means that the aim of the game is to bring a certain metrics (score) to a certain level.

5. Determinism

One of the elements which is most directly related to how fun or otherwise a game is, is its determinism. A perfectly deterministic game has no element of luck involved, it's just a player vs another (or the game). Less deterministic games involved luck from sources like (dice, cards etc).

List of Games

Here I will go through a select set of games. The games that I will analyse will span across a few different game classes, to get a more complete view of different types of games and how to study any and all of them. For each of the games, I will try to complete the following:

  1. Learn and document the rules of the game.
  2. Play the game a bunch of times (and have fun, of course).
  3. Classify the game and study the elements of the game. Here I will often rely heavily on the research completed by experts on the internet.
  4. Use the analysis to arrive at the best strategy for the game.
  5. Play the game some more and see how effective the strategy is and how fun the game remains.
Game Class
tic tac toe puzzle
[[ sudoku ]] puzzle
[[ rubiks cube ]] puzzle
cryptic crossoword word games
[[ wordle ]] word games
[[ uno ]] card games
[[ gult game ]] card games
[[ literature card game ]] card games
other card games card games
[[ ludo ]] dice board games
[[ monopoly ]] trading board games
othello strategy board games
[[ chess ]] strategy board games
[[ cricket ]] sports
[[ football ]] sports
[[ drinking games ]] drinking games
[[ taboo ]] word games
[[ risk ]] strategy board games
[[ settlers of catan ]] strategy board games
[[ terraforming mars ]] strategy board games
[[ scythe ]] strategy board games
[[ cerebria ]] strategy board games

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