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Parent Note (Up)


Rules Objective – Flip the majority of the pieces to your colour by the end of the game. Equipment – • 8x8 board • 64 pieces (black on one side and white on the other) Gameplay – • 2 player turn based game (alternate turns). • The 4 central squares start off with white pieces in the top left and bottom right squares and black pieces in the top right and bottom left squares. • Each turn, the player whose chance it is places 1 piece of their colour face up. This newly placed piece must be adjacent to a piece of the opponent’s colour. Further, there must be at least one piece (or a row of pieces) of the opponent’s colour between the newly placed piece and one existing piece of the player’s colour. All pieces of the opponent’s colour in this row (between the 2 pieces) must be flipped over to the player’s colour. • There may be more than one direction in which such rows of opponent’s pieces exist. Pieces in rows in all directions must be flipped. • If a player has no feasible move, they skip their turn and the turn goes to the opponent.

End of Note

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