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My objective in learning more about literature and language in general is two fold.

1. how to tell a story :

First and foremost I would like to deconstruct the art of story-telling into its basic components of plot, character development, style and setting/theme.

2. languages :

Next I would like to also learn how to learn and appreciate more languages. the hope is to therefore widen my perspective.

reading :

In addition to these targeted goals, I also intend to read a fair bit. Most of this reading isn't with the explicit intent of learning something about story writing or language. However, that may also be an incidental outcome in part. For the most part, my reading would serve as entertainment, or help me learn some other subjects that are of interest to me. However, in order to capture all of my reading in one area, literature seems like a good bucket to organise all of the books that I have read.

To Dos

Start with your own set of ideas of what makes up and makes good literature (stories).

Then have links for different portions (plot, characters, style, theme)

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