deconstructing plots — Home

Deconstructing Plots

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I have made these notes on the book titled the seven basic plots by Christopher Booker. The motivation behind these notes and my reading of the book was to understand quite literally what the basic plot of a story can and should be. My understanding and belief is that large parts of something as artistic as storytelling can still be broken down into a scientific model of sorts. This book acts as the first step to my understanding of what some of these more scientific elements are and how they come together. There will of course always be the artistic element, and that is by no means a small part of the game. That however, is tougher for me to document or learn in this manner.

Therefore my starting point to build up a mental model plots (building & deconstructing them) is the notes I have made on the seven basic plots.

TODO: Make an easy to reference & actionable summary of the 7 basic plots (basis book notes)

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