organisation — Home


Parent Note (Up)

My goal here is to learn how to better organise a variety of different dimensions of my life. On a personal level I would like to learn how to organise aspects of my life such as my time, productivity, fitness & diet. Since I am clearly a fan of documentation, I am also particularly interested in maintaining a diary. I might even be interested here in streamlining the way in which I keep track of content that I want to and have already consumed. At a more familial level, I'd like to learn how to ensure that I'm able to carve out enough time for family, and to make sure that I'm able to spend time and resources on the most "meaningful activities". This would also include being able to organise finances for myself and the family. At a social level as well, I would like to learn how to organise myself to ensure that I'm able to stay well in touch with all of my friends, and maintain a healthy social life. To this end, I must also learn how to manage a few social media accounts, with the targeted purpose of publicising my activities on this website.
Thus, some of the important topics that I would like to cover are:

Topic Status

super app

After iterating over the above different organisation systems, I hope to be able to arrive at a few principles and tools which make my personal organisation as easy and effective as possible. At this stage I will attempt to create my own personal super app. The idea behind the same is the following objectives:
1. A single app & webiste (home) for all of the activities (organisational and others) that I that make up most of my day.
2. Automation of my routine tasks to create more time in my day, without compromising on anything.
3. Link up this super app with the other useful apps that I use and with tools that I have created before.

Updated Approach

I started off with all of the aspirations and the basic approach that I outlined above. Almost 1 year in, all of the trackers and systems that I created for my own organisation have been fairly useful and effective. I have continued to use them and have improved them greatly.
At the same time, I have failed to really update them on my website or document them too well. On the bright side, I have managed to refine my organisation system and reflect on it a fair bit. And with this improved understanding in hand, I would like to document my approach to organisation.
Any effective approach to organisation probably can't be static. As much as I would like to build a few systems which then work on their own, it probably won't happen. Partially because the world keeps changing and no technology or system will work forever. And partly because even I and my outlook will keep changing. So, rather than just developing a single system of organisation, I have broken my organisation system into 3 fundamental pillars.

  1. organisation principles
  2. organisation systems
  3. organisation refinement & robustness

End of Note

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