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Entertainment Trackers

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Here I would like to try to come up with simple (non time consuming) ways of keeping a thorough track of what content (movies, shows, books and music) I have consumed in the past, as well as recommendations which I would like to keep in mind for the future. The aim here is to have effective access to some of my favourites, and what I thought about the content when I consumed it. This might help me learn from my past experiences or even just enjoy some old memories. At the same time, this system shouldn't add much burden to my content consumption process, but only add value, like a recommendation system might.
My aim is to test out and develop systems of tracking and maintaining this information for my personal usage.


tv shows / series
This google sheet has a list of all of the shows that I have completed, started or are still on my 'to watch list'. I have also maintained a track for my own benefit of the number of seasons released vs the seasons that I have completed.
Going forward I would like to also create an easy system through which I can keep a track of my thoughts while watching each show for future reference.

On my goodreads profile I mainitain a list of the books that I have read, along with a crisp rating for each of them.
Going forward I would like to learn how to use my kindle to take effective notes while reading, and compile them. I would ideally like to write reviews for each of the books that I read and in them provide links to my notes on the same.

Through my IMDB lists I mainitain a list of the movies that I have watched, along with a crisp rating for each of them. I hope to maintain these in the form of ordered lists, which can therefore act as movie recommendations by genre, for anyone whose taste may match my own.
In the future, I would like to be able to run a bot on IMDB to use my viewed movies and my ratings for them, to recommend movies for myself, as a function of genre, retings, directors and actors etc.

End of Note

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